Thursday 28 June 2012

Inzektor Hopper vs Inzektor Ladybug

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 6 months, you know what Inzektors are, and unless the same goes for the past 3 months you know what Inzektor Ladybug is. If this isn't the case quit this game then Inzektor Hopper and Inzektor Ladybug can be found here and here, respectively.

Of course, these two are both different but function relatively similar for the same deck, in this article I intend to voice how they help the deck, the pros and cons of running either and overall which I think is better.

So without further ado, lets begin!

Obviously the two are designed to function with the archetype they are part of - Inzektors. They both can detach themselves when they are equipped to another Inzektor monster for their own effect, in Hopper's case it allows that monster to attack directly at the expense of all your other attacks for that turn, while Ladybug increases the level of an Inzektor you control by either 1 or 2.

The important part is, of course, setting off the effects of Inzektor Centipede and Inzektor Dragonfly. Which both Ladybug and Hopper can do instantaneously, and thus there is no defining difference here.

However, the two do have very different effects and both have very different stats - Hopper is a level 4 with 1700 atk whereas Ladybug is a mere level 2 with 500 atk.

On the effects, it's almost unarguable that Hopper may have got the short end of the stick, he doesn't allow for any specific utility of the extra deck, however Ladybug acts as a rank 5 toolbox card. However, with the use of Ladybug, the lenient and tech-mad extra deck that Inzektors once had now has a short-coming in that they can only run so many cards and need to cater towards their Rank 5s (and to a lesser extent, Gaia Dragon). This in itself is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, the player has access to a much larger variety of Ranks and thus the more explosive effects of Rank 5s, however they now lack the huge Rank 3 utility that Inzektors normally have.

Now, with Hopper, this isn't the case. Since you're running Hopper you're not catering to the ability to make Rank 5s, and so your extra deck can contain plenty more tech choices, from Rank 3's expansive toolbox. Decks that have topped have run cards like Grenosaurus, lesser Rank 3s that have a niche effect that will rarely work but can prove to be game winning in the right scenarios.

Unlike Ladybug, Hopper's effect also makes an impact outside of the extra deck and triggering the effects of Centipede and Dragonfly. The big difference here is that Hopper allows the Inzektor to attack directly. It's a rare occurrence that this can win you the duel, but when you have a 2400/3200 Insect that can attack directly, you realise that your opponent is actually taking a hefty chunk, making your race to 8000 damage that much easier.

Of course, though, the biggest difference between the two is their atk values. Ladybug is an absolutely abysmal stand-alone card, without Inzektor Giga-Mantis. Hopper, on the other hand, has a 1700 body which is already very respectable and prevents Guaiba from killing it and making a Dolkka/Laggia. It also means that when equipped with Zektcalibur it hits 2500 atk. Now while the attack barrier isn't so set in stone in the current format (decks range between a 1900 and 3000 atk barrier) 2500 atk is incredibly important. It allows Inzektor Hopper to run over big threats such as Evolzar Dolkka and Laggia, Darkflare Dragon, and Chaos Sorcerer. Among numerous other monsters that Ladybug could never hope to run over without the help of Giga-Mantis.

Personally, I consider this fact Hopper's absolute biggest selling point. It's no doubt that Inzektors are a pseudo-combo deck, in that they rely on certain cards to work with others, in the deck's case that card being Inzektor Hornet and the deck focuses as much on getting it. Inzektor Hopper is a card that can not only bait out Effect Veiler, but can make use of its above average atk stat, its ability to be unequipped at will and its effect can sometimes win the player the game. It serves a much larger utility than Inzektor Ladybug does, which does nothing extra bar when equipped to Dragonfly.

One major thing Inzektor players in general tend to overlook is the fact that they always want to Xyz. All I can say is: Why? In a scenario where you have Dragonfly and you have Ladybug, what use is their Xyzing when you can end your field with 2 useful Inzektor monsters and with a Hornet in hand? Add a backrow or two to that and your opponent is going to have to commit an absolute ton just to hope to stop your combos next turn. This further shows how unnecessary and unhelpful Ladybug can be. Yes it has its pros, but Hopper's outweigh it in almost every aspect.

I hope this has helped explain the difference between the two and why I believe that Hopper is always the superior choice in Inzektors. Thank you for reading and as always any feedback is welcome.

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